All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD
    • All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD

    All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD

    All Back Aces is an exciting, powerful packet trick by Prasanth Edamana that will amaze and delight your audience

    Starting with five cards with no faces (all backs), you magically turn them into five Ace of Spades

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    A powerful packet trick that ends clean and is examinable at the end.

    First, 5 cards have no faces - all backs! Then they turn into 5 Ace of Spades. One is placed into your pocket. Finally, they turn into 4 Aces of all different suits - looks amazing!

    All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana is derived from Paul Gordon's wonderful trick called "Spectrum" from his Gold Dust Series. All Back Aces use a different sleight and has a different ending, along with logical patter for all the actions.

    Perfect routine for your table-hopping or walk-around routine.

    Download the video and start surprising your audience!