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Menny Lindenfeld, also known as "The ParaMentalist", is an award-winning international paranormal entertainer who has appeared on numerous TV shows and performed in 22 countries. He's known for his supernatural ability to deform everyday objects, such as spoons, rubber bands, and keys, to the astonishment of his audiences. Now, he's sharing his secrets at his show, "At The Table".
Some of the tricks you'll learn at "At The Table" include a multi-phase spoon bending effect, a torn and restored rubber band trick based on Harry Lorayne's method, a twisted spoon effect, a color-changing rubber band trick, a bending key necklace trick, and the Kreskin Altoid Effect where Menny finds a signed coin hidden in one of four Altoid boxes.
Menny Lindenfeld, also known as "The ParaMentalist", is an award-winning international paranormal entertainer who has appeared on numerous TV shows and performed in 22 countries. He's known for his supernatural ability to deform everyday objects, such as spoons, rubber bands, and keys, to the astonishment of his audiences. Now, he's sharing his secrets at his show, "At The Table".
Some of the tricks you'll learn at "At The Table" include a multi-phase spoon bending effect, a torn and restored rubber band trick based on Harry Lorayne's method, a twisted spoon effect, a color-changing rubber band trick, a bending key necklace trick, and the Kreskin Altoid Effect where Menny finds a signed coin hidden in one of four Altoid boxes.