VANISH - International Magic Magazine YEAR TWO complete download
The entire six issues of VANISH TWO from 2013-2014 is now available as a download.
EDITION 7 Bamboozlers by Diamond Jim Tyler - another bar stunt you can perform anytime anywhere Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants - why we should all respect magicians who have done it all before and what we can learn from them - the word is RESPECT Weight A Second - an impossible estimation routine by Stefan Olschewiski Why Would You Want To Be David Copperfield - Bizzaro asks a valid question and his essay is sure to provoke Imaginary Circumstances by Joey Pipia - lessons learned from the theatre applied to magic Magician's Crossword Puzzle - print this off and have some fun Alan Watson - A Lifetime of Magic - Paul Romhany and friends interview Alan and find out what makes a successful performer Slip-Sliding Away - Wayne Rogers has a great card routine that is perfect for trade-shows Divining Cards Book Test - An easy but powerful book test by Richard Webster Scripting Your Show - a look at whether or not to script your show by Cris Johnson Sound Advice - Peter Mennie continues his column on sound in shows - this issue it's about speakers Behind The Advertisement - a new column by Paul Romhany featuring a background story on advertisers for Vanish Finding Your Fitness Secret - Leif David discusses the importance of health and fitness and shares some tips A Tribute To Jaks - another great routine by Banachek OMGNAACAAN - Oh My God, Not Another Any Card At Any Number - routine by Paul Alberstat Bachstage - Illusions, Creativity and Performance Tips by Charles Bach In Your Hands - Part 2 of the Jeff McBride Magic & Mystery School teachings - this issue is by George Parker The Magic Assistant - Gwyn Auger introduces Melanie Giles and her background and feelings on being an assistant to a well-known illusionist Lessons Learned - from the USA via Denmark Anders Hansen has made a name for himself and he shares some fascinating stories he has learnt along the way The Jolly Jester by Steve Spill - Some great stories working with Bob Sheets - things you couldn't do now! The Day Everything Changed - Jeff McBride shares his views on the use of Video Monitors in performances Stike Debt Magic - NY magician Ben Robinson writes about one gig he will never forget Striking A Chord - Music and Magic by Lee Alex Young Magicians Corner - Chase Hasty's column for those starting out in magic Magic Reviews - the latest products, DVDs and e-books from around the world From The Desk Of Keith Fields - Part 3 of Keith's work on performing street magic Nick Lewin Presents - Health Tips for the road warrior One Word Often Forgotten - Chipper Lowell's rantings from a comedy magician Witch Queen (s) of New Orleans - another great routine by TC Tahoe Bag Of Tricks - by Bill Warren - a look behind a remarkable film being made by Kevin Spencer A Sneak Viewing ... Joe Gold shares some moments behind the scenes of a new movie coming out about magicians Joker Mental - a killer card routine by Danny Archer EDITION 8 FEATURE STORY - MARK AND NANI WILSON BY NICK LEWIN ON BULLYING AND MAGIC by Angela Funovits Bamboozlers By Diamond Jim Tyler Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde STOP THIEF By Jeff McBride MARK WILSON FEATURE ARTICLE by Nick Lewin Lessons I have learned from Mark Wilson by Michael King Mentalism - An Adventure in Mysticism by Craig Browning Imaginary Circumstances By Joey Pipia 5 - 5 Poker Deal Routine By Jason Leong Consume ... and Forget by Larry Hass Preserving the Past, in the present; creating the future by Ben Robinson Lions & Kiwanis & Rotary by Dean Hankey & Errin Hogan Young Magicians Corner By Chase Hasty NICK LEWIN PRESENTS ... It's not the destination Down Under by Danny Archer What Movie Sequels can teach you regarding shows by Cris Johnson DSP - Digital Sports Prediction routine by Danny Archer Tin Man routine by TC Tahoe Routining your illusions: Creating Pictures by Charles Bach Creative Magic - Closing Up Shop by Randy Burtis The Magic of Os! By Lee Alex FROM THE DESK OF KEITH FIELDS The Secret To Sorcerer's Safaris's Success by Nicole Lee Subbed by Peter Loughran TECH TALK by Carl Andrews The Jolly Jester by Steve Spill Why Fear and Loathing in the Magic Marketplace By Bizzaro It's Bad luck to be superstitious by Richard Webster Amplify Your Show with these Show-Music Essentials by Matthew Fallon Slip Sliding Away routine by Wayne Rogers MUSIC PLAYBACK by Peter Mennie The Magic Assistant featuring Mistie Knight by Gwyn Auger Magic Reviews by Paul Romhany & friends Be Careful What you Sell by Chipper Lowell How to produce a touring illusion show - interview with John Kaplan by Leif David The Illusionists Show Review by Richard Webster
EDITION 9 Zip Your Generation Gap by Aaron Smith Ten Little Secrets by Timothy Hyde - How to become a Speaker and increase your income Building Magic - an interview with film maker Kal about an upcoming KickStarter project Our Life Changing Experience - by Trevor and Lorena Watters - their time with Johnny Thompson MARVELLOUS MATTHEW WRIGHT - exclusive interview by Paul Romhany Mark Wilson Interview Part 2 - the story continues by Nick Lewin A Rare Opportunity - Paul Gross on the influence of Mark Wilson What I learned from Mark and Nani - Steve Spill shares his stories about Mark & Nani An Adventure in Mysticism - Part 2 in a series by P. Craig Browning Imaginary Circumstances - You're Such A Character by Joey Pipia Magic? WHY? - Tobias Beckwith asks the age old question ... Our Magic Revisited - essay by Ben Robinson Don Guy - Bringing Magic to Light - Chipper Lowell interviews one of the top lighting gurus in the business Nick Lewin Presents ---- Jason Andrews - Taking it to, and from, the competition Back To Basics - marketing tips from Cris Johnson BachStage - Illusions, Creativity and Performance by Charles Bach Magic on TV - Peter Mennie on how to get on television Child's Play - Tony Chris on competing in magic competitions Brick & Mortar Shops - the first in a new series on magic shops around the world Where Do You Stand? - By Keith Fields - a working pro What REAL SECRETS? - Interview by Richard Webster with Adam Milgate MAGIC TRICKS YOU CAN PERFORM- The Dagger Chest by Rey Ben & Quique Marduk Eggshell Waltzing by Diamond Jim Tyler Sense of Touch by Steve Friedberg The Pancake Switch by Andrew Stark The Key to 7 Keys to Baldpate The Liar by Christopher Taylor Kiss Me Fate by TC Tahoe Phoney Pad by Wayne Rogers The Nexus Effect by Wayne Rogers INK - Paper to Money by Wolfgang Riede Secret Recipes with Bro Gilbert - Banachek's Cottage Pie Tech Talk with Carl Andrews Change Comes From Your Pocket - Bizzaro Jason Latimer Interview from The Magic Assistant - Gwyn Interviews Lorena Watters MAGIC REVIEWS - the latest products from the world of magic Magic In The Movies by Chipper Lowell How To Perform and Work Internationally - Leif David Cinematic Titanic - A review by Ben Robinson
EDITION 10 THE SMILE ETERNAL - A fitting tribute to the late John Calvert by Ben Robinson THE BUSINESS ISN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE by Keith Fields R&D by Bizzaro CYBERGICIAN BELONGS TO YOU by Aaron Smith TEN LITTLE SECRETS - CRUISING by Timothy Hyde TANNENS MAGIC CAMP REVIEW by Alexander Boyce FIRST EVER UNOFFICIAL MAGIC GATHERING IN DPKR THE LEGEND OF CARDINI LIVES ON by Steve Spill RAY ANDERSON AND ESTHER FOLLIES Review by Nick Lewin MENTALISM - AN ADVENTURE IN MYSTICISM by P. Craig Browning THE FOUR STAGES OF LEARNING by Mick Peck IMAGINARY CIRCUMSTANCE by Joey Pipia SOMETHING GAINED, SOMETHING LOST by Eugene Burger ON LOCATION AT MAGICDEALERS.COM by Aaron Smith QUESTIONS WITH CHARLOTTE PENDRAGON from Full Circle Magic MAGIC AND MUSIC by Cris Johnson DESPERATE ACTS OF MAGIC By Nick Lewin GIVING AND TAKING CRITICISM by Charles Bach WHAT 10 YEARS IN RETAIL TAUGHT ME ABOUT SHOW BUSINESS by Peter Mennie CHILD'S PLAY by Tony Chris BRICK AND MORTAR SHOPS ( by Nickle Van Wormer TECH TALK by Carl Andrews MAGIC TRICKS - learn magic tricks ranging from stand up, mentalism to close-up with cards ERIC OLSON - A WIZARD OF SHOW AND BUSINESS by TC Tahoe THE MAGIC ASSISTANT by Gwyn Auger with A Burton Babe WILL WORK FOR FOOD by Leif David VISION - review of a show in Singapore by Fred Hann FIGHT FOR YOUR SHOW EVERY TIME by Chipper Lowell MAGIC TRICK REVIEWS - we look at the latest books, DVDs, tricks and e-books - some reviewed for the very first time.
EDITION 11 The Dec/Jan issue has a WORLD EXLUSIVE story - we are honored to have an artist of the caliber of Aurélia Thierrée on the cover; and the opportunity to look into her amazing work. This is a story every magician needs to read and a show we ALL NEED TO witness.
Also in this issue: Married To Magic by Matthew Fallon The Bidding War by Chipper Lowell Looking Back by Keith Fields Sweeping Gestures by Bizzaro Dancing on Air by Ben Robinson Secret Powers: A Principle for Better Magic by Aaron Smith Linkden Strategies by Timothy Hyde Escape for Life by Laura Eisele Interview Aurélia Thierrée by Ben Robinson A Leads to B Leads to C Leades to Z by Steve Spill Lost City Magic, Oklahoma Nothing To Hide Show Review by Ben Robinson Mentalism: An Adventure in Mysticism by P. Craig Browining Cool Balloon Guy Under Pressure by Matthew Johnson Rehearsing Will Set You Free by Joey Pipia A Magician Needs a Place t o Be Bad by George Parker Questions With Nicholas Enihorn from Full Circle Jagic Have A Set List by Cris Johnson Jay Alexander - The Art of A Modern Magician by Nick Lewin Pre-Show by Charles Bach What 10 Years in Retail Taught Me About Show Business by Peter Mennie Performing for the Very Young by Tony Cris Brick & Mortar Shops - Davenports by Nickle Van Wormer 7 Ways To Thank Your Client by Leif David Don't Trust Andrew Mayne by Paul Romhany Characters & Contrast Magic Trick by Quique Marduk and Rey Ben The Craziest Straight Jacket Escape by Evan Reynolds Newspaper Numbers by Diamond Jim Tyler Santa's Costume Change by Lee Alex Give The Band A Break by Wayne Rogers First Kiss by Richard Webster $25 Flea Circus by Louie Foxx Tech Talk by Carl Andrews Young Magicians Corner - 6 Tips for Tracking Nerves by Collin Stover Creativity and the Right Way to Be Inspired by Maximllan Draco Astral Projection by Luca Volpe Magician's Assistant - Interview with Janine Russell by Gwyn Auger MAGIC TRICK REVIEWS - over 20 tricks, DVDs, ebooks and Apps are reviewed!!
EDITION 12 FROM THE EDITOR - Paul Romhany NEWS - latest news Married In Magic by Matthew Fallon featuring Jeff McBride FROM THE DESK OF KEITH FIELDS REALITY MAGIC by Bizzaro Ten Little Secrets - Timothy Hyde International Circus Festival of Monte Carlo Review by Ben Robinson FEATURE STORY: Richard Forget How Joan Rivers Gets Me Laid - Steve Spill Mentalism - An Adventure in Mysticism - P.Craig Browning 10 Things to Enhance Your Act immediately - Jeff McBride Imaginary Circumstances - Joey Pippia Teachers, Critics, Spoilers, and Spiders - Lawrence Hass Questions with Wayne Houchin THE SUCCESS SERIES ... CRIS JOHNSON Learn to do consciously what you used to do unconsciously - Nick Lewin Evolution of our Magic - Charles Bach The Magic Assistant - Gwynn Auber DO YOU HAVE A RIDER? - Peter Mennie Child's play - How to pick the perfect assistant - Tony Chris brick & mortar shops - STEVENS MAGIC EMPORIUM - Nickel Van Wormer Mastering the One Year Follow-up - Leif David Greece Is the word - Lee Alex Reysing - Rey Ben & Quique Marduk The Cheese Grater - Evan Reynold Bamboozlers - Diamond Jim Tyler Mental Monopoly - Danny Archer Lunch With The Spirits - Wayne Rogeres 52 Flavors - Louie Foxx Creativity And The Right Way To Be Inspired - Maximilian Draco Magic Reviews