Mentalism,Bizarre and Psychokinesis Performer Mysticism by Ebbytones video DESCARGA MMSMEDIA - 1
    • Mentalism,Bizarre and Psychokinesis Performer Mysticism by Ebbytones video DESCARGA MMSMEDIA - 1

    Mysticism by Ebbytones video DESCARGA

    Mysticism is a method of mentalism that is truly great, clean and practical. Imagine...

    you can replicate anything written or drawn by the spectator with: NO CODING NO ASSISTANT NO COMPROMISE And no some strange thing to do because spectators choose and think about what they want to draw or write without force and truly their will. You can do: Replicate a spectator drawing Replicate a specta'

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    Mysticism is a method of mentalism that is truly great, clean and practical. Imagine... you can replicate anything written or drawn by the spectator with: NO CODING NO ASSISTANT NO COMPROMISE And no some strange thing to do because spectators choose and think about what they want to draw or write without force and truly their will. You can do: Replicate a spectator drawing Replicate a spectator writing Replicate the spectator choice card, may use a borrowed card, the audience shuffles the card, spectator select the card and you just draw a spectator choice card, totally hands out! You can do it anywhere and anytime, and the spectator will surprised and don't believe what he will see with just one method you can do a lot of mentalism effects, with practical, clean and accurate methods, so just DESCARGA and learn now!

    Tipo de Descarga:Video

    Idioma: Inglés


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