A real magic classic evergreen. This special little animal has a spring inside it that will allow you to move as if it was a live animal.
A great number of effects and gags can be performed with “The Raccoon”! Our version has been FINALLY made with realistic fur, but 100% SYNTHETIC... so no animal was hurt to make this great raccoon!
Es probablemente uno de los mejores "gimmicks" que se pueden adquirir, tanto si lo usas como animal "real" como si lo utilizas como marioneta, el efecto que provoca en la gente es tremendo. La versatilidad del mismo y la cantidad de ideas y rutinas que ofrece, es increible
By Virgilio A. the 12/18/2020 This review was helpful 1 - 0 You've already voted
A real magic classic evergreen. This special little animal has a spring inside it that will allow you to move as if it was a live animal.
A great number of effects and gags can be performed with “The Raccoon”! Our version has been FINALLY made with realistic fur, but 100% SYNTHETIC... so no animal was hurt to make this great raccoon!
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