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El Algoritmo es tu nuevo truco de magia digital. Convierte cualquier smartphone en tu arma secreta para sorprender a todos. El público elige cartas al azar, las introduce en El Algoritmo y ¡voilà! Revela la carta desconocida con una precisión del 100%. Pero no acaba ahí, repite la hazaña varias veces, incluso predice la ubicación y el orden de todas las cartas. ¡Deja a todos boquiabiertos!
El Algoritmo viene con una biblioteca de tutoriales, un simulador de entrenamiento y ajustes personalizables. Puedes usar tu teléfono o el de un espectador, incluso a distancia. No necesitas nada más que tu baraja de cartas, The Algorithm hace todo el trabajo pesado. Y si necesitas ayuda, los instructores de talla mundial Yves Domergue y Gregory Wilson te guiarán.
Algorithm - Physical Copy - Yves Doumergue
In today's digital world, having The Algorithm means you'll never be unprepared to amaze. Every smart phone becomes your secret weapon, and we can't wait to see what presentations you come up with.
The algorithm is not just a routine. It's a four-phase act that's always ready to go:
Imagine the following:
That's interesting enough on its own, but to really demolish the critics, you're gonna need to do it again. So, you do.But this time, you up the odds:
But it doesn't end there. You repeat the feat yet again, with just three cards. Two of them are entered... and once again, the third is revealed with 100% accuracy.
What your audience just witnessed has now left the space of statistical improbability and entered a realm of downright impossibility. And just as their brains begin to catch up...
The Algorithm predicts the location and order of every single card in the deck... with 100% accuracy. It really is that straightforward.
Difficulty: Beginner
Online instructions (APP)